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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : イツ; ; diverge
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4708 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3120
Japanese Reading English
逸れるそれる(v1) to stray (turn) from subject/to get lost/to go astray/(P)/
いっき(n) missing a chance/
逸るはぐる(v5r) (uk) to stray from/to get lost/
いっぴん(n) article of rare beauty/gem/(P)/
いつだつ(n,vs) deviation/omission/
逸っするいっする(vs-s) to lose (a chance)/to miss (a chance)/to deviate/to forget/
いっそく(n) fast runner/excellence/
逸らすそらす(v5s) to turn away/to avert/(P)/
いっきゅう(n) muffed ball/
いちぶつ(n) excellent person/superb article/
逸れそれや(n) stray arrow/
逸 るはやる(v5r) to be in high spirits/to be impatient/to be hotblooded/
いっしゅつ(n) escape/excelling/prominence/
逸れそれだま(n) stray bullet/
いっそう(n,vs) escape/scud/scamper away/
逸をいつをもってろうをまつ(exp) to wait for the enemy to tire at ease/
いつわ(n) anecdote/(P)/
いちはやく(adv) promptly/
いつぶん(n) unknown or lost writings/
いつみん(n) retired person/recluse/
逸するいっする(vs-s) to lose (a chance)/to miss (a chance)/to deviate/to forget/
逸れるはぐれる(v1) to stray (turn) from subject/to get lost/to go astray/(P)/
いつぶん(n) something unheard of/
いっしつりえき(n) lost profit/
いつらく(n) pleasure/
いつざい(n) outstanding talent/
いちもつ(n) excellent animal/
いっしょ(n) lost book/
いつじ(n) anecdote/unknown fact/