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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : ユウ、ユ; あそ(ぶ)、あそ(ばす); play
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4726 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3142
Japanese Reading English
ゆうれき(n) tour/
遊廓 ゆうかく(n) red-light district/
ゆうかく(n) red light district/
ゆうぐん(n) reserve corps/flying squadron/
ゆうり(n) red light district/
遊びあそびごころ(n) desire to play or have a good time/
ゆうげきたいいんirregular forces/
ゆうぜい(n,vs) election tour/election campaign/stumping/(P)/
ゆうだ(adj-na,n) indolence/
遊蕩ゆうとう(n) self-indulgent pleasure/
ゆうげきせん (n) guerrilla warfare/unconventional warfare/
ゆうてい(n) breechblock (of a gun)/
ゆさん(n) excursion/outing/picnic/
ゆうかく(n) sightseer/playboy/frequenter of red-light districts/
遊びあそびくらす(v5s) to idle away one's time/
ゆうし(n) wanderer/traveller/
ゆうえい(n,vs) swimming/conduct of life/
ゆうほどう (n) promenade/esplanade/(P)/
ゆうぎ(n) games/pastimes/
ゆうらんせん (n) pleasure cruise/(P)/
遊びあそびじかん playtime/recess/
ゆうえんち amusement park
ゆうりき free radical/
ゆうぼく(n) nomadism/
遊ぶ あそぶto play
ゆうきゅうち (n) idle land/
遊びあそびにん(n) carouser/playboy/
遊びらすあそびくらす(v5s) to idle away one's time/
ゆうげきしゅ (n) shortstop/
ゆうぼくみん (n) nomads/
遊びあそびめ(n) prostitute/
遊び あそびなかま playmate/
ゆうらんち (a) resort/
ゆうりきはんのう reaction of free radicals/
ゆうぎじょう (n) amusement center/
ゆうぎてき (adj-na) playful/
遊侠ゆうきょう(n) chivalrous person/
ゆうみん(adj-na,n) idler/the unemployed/
ゆうきゅうしせつunused facilities or equipment/
ゆうげい(n) artistic accomplishments/
ゆうきん(n) idle money or capital/
ゆうらんきゃく sightseer/tourist/
遊ばすあそばす(v5s) to let one play/to leave idle/to do (polite)/
ゆうりょう(n) hunting/
ゆうくん(n) prostitute/
遊び あそび(n,n-suf) playing/(P)/
ゆうえんち (n) amusement park/(P)/
ゆうしょく(n,vs) living in idleness/
遊びあそびあるく(v5k) to visit one place after another without affect/
遊ぶあそぶ(v5b) (1) to play/to make a visit (esp. for pleasure)/(2) to be idle/to do nothing/(P)/