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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : ; す(ぎる)、す(ごす)、あやま(つ)、あやま(ち); pass by
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4723 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3137
Japanese Reading English
過ってあやまってin error/by mistake/by accident/
かどのべんかいprofuse apology/
過 ぎたすぎたことbygones/the past/past event/
かびん(adj-na,n) nervousness/oversensitivity/
かしょくしょう bulimarexia/
かご(n) mistake/fault/
かしつしょうがいaccidental infliction of injury/
かあつみつひoverconsolidation ratio/
かびんしょう (n) hypersensitivity/
かしつはん (n) careless offense/
かしょうひょうか(n,vs) underestimation/undervaluation/
かだいし (n) overestimation/
かだいひょうか(n,vs) overestimation/overvaluing/
かこかんりょうpast perfect tense/
かかく(n) traveller (passing through)/
かしょう(n) undeserved praise/
かた(adj-na,n) excess/superabundance/
かそ(n) depopulation/(P)/
かこ(n-adv,n) the past/bygone days/the previous/(P)/
かさんかすいそ (n) H2O2/hydrogen peroxide/
かだい(adj-na,n) excessive/too much/unreasonable/
かじょうとうよ(n) overdosage/
かしつしょうがいざい accidental infliction of injury/
かじょうとうし(n) overinvestment/
過ちをめるあやまちをあらためる(exp) to correct a fault/
かろうし (col) death from overwork/
かとうきょうそう(n) excessive competition/
かとき (n) transition period/(P)/
かしょく(n,vs) overeating/
過ごすすごす(v5s,vt) to pass/to spend/to go through/to tide over/(P)/
かりゅうさん (n) persulfuric acid/
かはん(n-adv,n-t) some time ago/recently/
かしん(n,vs) trusting too much/overestimating ability/
かこぶんし(n) past participle/
かごん(n) exaggeration/saying too much/
かほう(n) overpraise/(P)/
かふきゅう (n) excess or deficiency/
かほうわ (n) supersaturation/
かじつ(n-adv,n-t) recently/the other day/
かげき(adj-na,n) extreme/radical/
過ちあやまち(n) fault/error/indiscretion/(P)/
かきん(n) overwork/
かぶん(adj-na,n) excessive/unmerited/generous/
かしょう(n) undeserved praise/
かねつ(n,vs) superheating/overheating/
かげんみ (n) present and future/three temporal states of existence/
かねんど (n) past financial year/
過ぎるすぎる(v1,vi) to pass/to go beyond/to elapse/to exceed/(P)/
かろう(n) overwork/strain/(P)/
かしつ(n) error/blunder/accident/(P)/