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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : ケン; つか(う)、つか(わす); dispatch
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4732 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3152
Japanese Reading English
けんべい(n) sending to America/
遣りやりくり(n) making do with/managing/getting by/
遣りけるやりつけるto be accustomed to/to be used to/to argue into silence/to talk down/
遣りやりなおし(n) redoing/
遣りなうやりそこなう(v5u) to fail/
遣る ないやるせない(adj) helpless/cheerless/miserable/disconsolate/dreary/downhearted/
遣りやりすごす(v5s) to do too much/to let something (or somebody) go past/
使けんとうし (n) envoy (to T'ang China)/(P)/
遣りやりなおす(v5s) to do over again/to redo/to start over/to remake/to resume/to recommence/
遣わす つかわす(v5s) to send/to dispatch/
遣りめるやりこめる(v1) to talk down/
遣りやりかえす(v5s) to do over/to answer or fire back/to retort/
遣りやりかた(n) way/method/means/
遣りれないやりきれない(adj) intolerable/unbearable/
遣いつかい(n,vs) mission/simple task/doing/
遣りやりあう(v5u) to compete with/to argue with/to quarrel/
遣りやりば(n) a place of (figurative) refuge/
遣悶けんもん(n,vs) driving away melancholy/
やりなおし(n) redoing/
遣りやりだすto begin/
遣る やる(v5r) (col) (uk) to do/to have sexual intercourse/to kill/to give (to inferiors, animals, etc.)/to dispatch (a letter)/to send/to study/to perform/to play (sports, game)/to have (eat, drink, smoke)/to row (a boat)/to run or operate (a restaurant)/
遣りっやりっぱなし(n) leave unfinished or incomplete/
遣りやりとおす(v5s) to carry through/to achieve/to complete/
遣りやりてable or shrewd or resourceful person/
遣っつけるやっつける(v1) to attack (an enemy)/to beat/to do away with/to finish off/
けんがい(adj-no,n) dispatched abroad/
遣りぎるやりすぎる(v1) to overdo/to go too far/to go to excess/
遣られるやられる(v1) (uk) to suffer damage/to be deceived/
遣りやりみず(n) a water conduit (in a garden)/
遣りやりくち(n) way/method/
遣り やりがいbe worth doing/
遣り やりてばば brothel madam/
遣るやるせない (adj) helpless/cheerless/miserable/disconsolate/dreary/downhearted/
遣りやりぬく(v5k) to carry out to completion/to accomplish/
遣りやりくりさんだん(n) managing to get by/
遣うつかう(v5u) to dispatch/to send/to donate/(P)/
遣りやりかけunfinished/in progress/
遣りやりとり(n) (conversational) exchange/giving and taking/arguing back and forth/
遣りげるやりとげる(v1) to accomplish/
遣っけるやっつける(v1) to attack (an enemy)/to beat/to do away with/to finish off/