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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : テキ; ; suitable
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4738 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3160
Japanese Reading English
てっかく(adj-na,n) precise/accurate/(P)/
てきれい(n) suitable age/
てきぎ(adj-na,n-adv) suitability/(P)/
てきれいき (n) marriageable age/(P)/
てきせいりじゅんreasonable profit/
てきせい(adj-na,n) reasonable/suitable/
てきやく(n) suitable post or role/
てっかく(n) eligible/qualified/competent/
てきしゃせいぞん(n) survival of the fittest/
てきおうしょう (n) diseases for which a particular medicine is indicated/
てきかく(adj-na,n) precise/accurate/(P)/
てきおう(n) adaptation/accommodation/conformity/(P)/
てきひ(n) propriety/fitness/aptitude/
てきしょ(n) the right place/
てきざい(n) man fit for the post/right person/
てきおん(n) suitable or moderate temperature/
てきとう(adj-na,n) fitness/suitability/adequacy/relevance/(P)/
てきごう(n) conform/compatible/adaptable/(P)/
てきしょく(n) suitable occupation/
てきにんしゃ suitable person/well-qualified person/
てきかくしゃ qualified or eligible person/
てきざいてきしょ (exp,n) the right person in the right place/
てきひょう(n) apt criticism/
てきかく(n) eligible/qualified/competent/
適するてきする(vs-s) to fit/to suit/(P)/
てきしゃ(n) suitable person/fit person/the fit/
てきせつ(adj-na,n) pertinent/appropriate/adequate/relevance/(P)/
てきち(n) suitable place/
てきようせい applicability/
てきせい(n) aptitude/(P)/
てきやく(n) specific medicine or remedy/
てきせいけんさaptitude test/
てきれい(n) exemplification/
てきふてき(n) suitability/
てきじだ (n) timely hit/
てきりょう(n) proper quantity/(P)/
てきほう(adj-na,n) legality/
てきせいかかくfair or reasonable price/
てきさく(n) suitable crop/
てきじ(adj-na,adj-no,n) timely/opportune/
てきほうこうい(n) legal (lawful) act/
適わないかなわない(adj) be beyond one's power/be unable/
てきぎょう(n) suitable occupation/
てきど(adj-na,n) moderate/(P)/
てきよう(n) applying/(P)/
適うかなう(v5u) to be suited/
てきやく(n) proper or suitable translation/exact rendering/
てきおうせい (n) adaptability/