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Kanji: Radical: (しんにょう) : セン; えら(ぶ); choose
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4744 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3169
Japanese Reading English
せんぴょう(n) selection and commentary (on literary texts or poems)/
せんしゅう(n) selection/
せんきょく(n) chosen song/
せんかせい (n) special student/
選りえりぬき(n) the very best/
選びとるえらびとる(v5r) to pick out item(s) from a group to keep/
せんきょこうほう(n) official gazette for elections/
選ばれるえらばれるto be elected/
選に せんにはいる(exp) to be selected/to be chosen/
選りえりだす(v5s) to select/to pick out/
せんたくかもくsubject of selection/(P)/
せんか(n) sorting fruit/
せんばつ(n,vs) selection/choice/picking out/
せんきょにん (n) qualified voter/
せんたいほんぶelection headquarters/
せんりょう(n) member of parliament/
せんきょにでる (exp) to run for election/
せんかん(n) (abbr) election administration/
選りよりどり(n) picking and choosing/
せんか(n) selection of poems/selected poems/
せんたくちぐんvalue set/
せんたくし (n) choices/
せんたん(n) sorting of coal/
せんみん(n) (the) chosen people/
せんこういいんかい (n) selection (screening, nomination) committee/
せんきょうんどうparticipation in election campaign/
せんしゅむら athlete's village (during Olympics)/
せんしょ(n) anthology/selection of books/
選りえりごのみ(n,vs) being particular about/fastidious/
せんきょび election day/
選りよりごのみ(n,vs) being particular about/fastidious/
よりどり(n) picking and choosing/
せんきょく(n) tuning (a radio)/
せんしゅけんじあい (n) title match or bout XXXX/
選ぶえらぶ(v5b) to choose/to select/(P)/
選りよりぬく(v5k) to select/to choose/
せんきゅうがん (n) batting eye (ability to judge whether a pitch will be called a ball or a strike) (baseball)/
せんしゅ(n) player (in game)/(P)/
せんこうきじゅん(n) criterion (criteria) for selection/
せんきょせん election campaign/
せんたく(n,vs) selection/choice/(P)/
せんか(n) elective course or subject/
せんきょじゅんびelection preparations/
せんたくし (n) selective/
せんきょほう (n) election laws/
せんたくじょうたいselection condition(s)/
せんしゅつ(n) election/(P)/