邪鬼 | じゃき | devil/imp/evil spirit/ |
邪恋 | じゃれん | (n) illicit love/ |
邪魔立て | じゃまだて
| (n) a hindrance/ |
邪魔物 | じゃまもの
| (n) obstacle/hindrance/ |
邪魔臭い | じゃまくさい
| (adj,exp) troublesome/pain in the
butt/ |
邪魔者 | じゃまもの
| (n) someone who is a nuisance or a
burden/ |
邪 | よこしま | (adj-na,n)
wicked/evil/ |
邪欲 | じゃよく | (n) evil desire/ |
悪 | じゃあく | (adj-na,n) wicked/evil/ |
邪道 | じゃどう | (n) evil course/heresy/(P)/ |
邪見 | じゃけん | (n) evil point of view/ |
邪淫 | じゃいん | (n) lewdness/ |
邪飛 | じゃひ | (n) foul fly/ |
邪知 | じゃち | (n) knowledge applied to evil purposes/ |
邪慳 | じゃけん | (adj-na,n) cruelty/hard-heartedness/ |
邪説 | じゃせつ | (n) heretical doctrine/ |
邪神 | じゃしん | (n) an evil god/ |
まな心 | よこしまなこころ | evil heart/ |
邪念 | じゃねん | (n) wicked thought/wicked mind/ |
邪教 | じゃきょう | (n) heresy/heathenism/paganism/(P)/ |
邪魔 | じゃま | (adj-na,n,vs) hindrance/intrusion/(P)/ |
邪気 | じゃき | (n) noxious gas/maliciousness/ |
邪法 | じゃほう | (n) heretical teachings/the black arts/ |
邪魔ッ気 | じゃまっけ
| obstructive/troublesome/a
nuisance/ |
邪曲 | じゃきょく | (adj-na,n) wickedness/ |
邪宗 | じゃしゅう | (n) heresy/foreign religion/(P)/ |
邪心 | じゃしん | (n) wicked heart/evil design/ |
邪推 | じゃすい | (n,vs) distrust/unjust suspicion/(P)/ |
邪険 | じゃけん | (adj-na,n) hard hearted/cruel/unkind/ |