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Kanji: Radical: (ひよみのとり) : シュウ; みにく(い); ugliness
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 17 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4798 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1629
Japanese Reading English
しゅうじょう(n) disgraceful state of affairs/
しゅうたい(n) shameful sight/disgraceful behavior/(P)/
しゅうるい(n) evil-doers/
醜い みにくい(adj) ugly/(P)/
しゅうめい(n) scandal/
しゅうあく(adj-na,n) ugliness/meanness/offensiveness/(P)/
醜い みにくいおんなugly (homely) woman/
ぶおとこ(n) ugly man/
しゅうぶん(n) scandal/(P)/
しゅうぎょう(n) shameful occupation/
しゅぎょうふ prostitute/
醜いみにくいあらそいscandalous dispute/
しこめ(n) homely woman/plain-looking woman/(P)/
醜のしこのみたて(exp) the humble shield of our Sovereign Lord/
しこな(oK) (n) (uk) Sumo wrestler's stage name/
しゅうじょ(n) homely woman/plain-looking woman/(P)/
醜としゅうとびugliness and beauty/
しゅうこう(n) disgraceful (scandalous) conduct/shameful behavior/