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Kanji: Radical: (さと) : ; さと; village, "Ri" - a traditional measure of distance
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4813 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3542
Japanese Reading English
りげん(n) dialect/
さとかぐら (n) kagura performance held somewhere other than a palace/
さと(n) (country) home/village/(P)/
りていひょう (n) milepost/milestone/
さとごころ(n) homesickness/nostalgia/(P)/
さといも(n) taro (potato)/(P)/
さとびと(n) villager/village folk/countryfolk/
さとことば (n) dialect/(historical) language used toward customers by women in the drinking-world establishment/
りすう(n) mileage/distance/
りよう(n) folk song/ballad/
りじん(n) villager/village folk/countryfolk/
(n) ri (old measure)/2.44 miles/(P)/
さとご(n) foster-child/(P)/
りてい(n) mileage/distance/
さとかた(n) wife's family/
さとがえり(n) visiting one's parents/new bride's first visit to parents/
さとおや(n) foster parent(s)/