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Kanji: Radical: (さと) : ; ; field
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4814 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1485
Japanese Reading English
野葡萄のぶどう(n) wild grape(vine)/ampelopsis/
やえい(n) camping/campground/making camp/
のぎく(n) wild chrysanthemum/aster/
やそう(n) wild grasses/field grass/
やせい(adj-no,n) wild (nature)/uncouth/rough/unpolished/(P)/
やじん(n) yeti/abominable snowman/
やばんじん (n) barbarian/savage/(P)/
(n) field/(P)/
のはら(n) field/(P)/
やせんとっかfield artillery/
野 駒のごま(n) a Siberian rubythroat/
やけんがり rounding up stray dogs/
やせんびょういんfield hospital/
やがいさつえいoutdoor photography/(P)/
宿のじゅく(n,vs) camping/
のじ(n) path in a field/
やがい(adj-no,n) fields/outskirts/open air/suburbs/(P)/
野兎のうさぎ(n) hare/wild rabbit/
のら(n) rural/agricultural/fields/
やほう(n) field gun/field artillery/
やせん(n) field (mil)/
やとう(n) opposition party/(P)/
野にやにくだる(exp) to leave the government service/
やきゅうじょう baseball ground/
いためやさいいためsauteed vegetables
のてんぶろ(n) open-air bath/
野蒜のびる(n) wild rocambole/
やきゅうぶ baseball team/
やさいばたけ vegetable garden/kitchen garden/
やぼよう (n) minor business/
やぼてん (n) boorishness/coarseness/stupidity/
やじゅうは (n) Fauvism/the Fauvists/
炒めやさいいため(n) fried vegetables/
やしんか (n) ambitious person/
野鼠のねずみ(n) field mouse/
のづみ(n) piled out in the open/
やし(n) showman/charlatan/faker/quack/
野にやにある(exp) to be in opposition/to be in private life/
やちょう(n) wild bird/(P)/
のぶとい(adj) audacious/throaty (voice)/
やばん(adj-na,n) savage/uncivilized/(P)/
やしん(n) ambition/aspiration/designs/treachery/(P)/
やじる(v5r) to jeer (at)/to hoot/to boo/to catcall/to heckle/
のらいぬ (n) stray dog/
やごう(n) illicit union/collusion/
やじ(n) hooting/jeering/
のみち(n) path in a field/
やがいげき (n) pageant/
のうま(n) wild horse/
やしゅ(n) a fielder/