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Kanji: Radical: (かね) : シン; はり; needle
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4817 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1666
Japanese Reading English
はり(n) needle/fish hook/pointer/hand (e.g. clock)/(P)/
はりせんぼん (n) porcupinefish/
針鼠はりねずみ(n) hedgehog/porcupine/
はりくよう (n) memorial service for old needles/
針のはりのあなneedles eye/
はりさし(n) pincushion/
針灸 しんきゅう(n) acupuncture and moxibustion/
針ではりでさすto prick with a needle/
はりもぐら (n) spiny anteater/echidna/
はりじょう(adj-no) needle-shaped/pointed/
はりしごと (n) needlework/sewing/
はりうお(n) halfbeak (fish with elongated pointed lower jaw) (Hemiramphus sajori)/stickleback/
はりばこ(n) sewing box/
しんじゅつ(n) acupuncture/
針 鰻はりうなぎelver (type of eel)/
れるしんろをそれる (exp) to swerve from the course/
はりめ(n) seam/
しんようじゅ (n) conifer/needle-leaved tree/
さより(gikun) (n) halfbeak (fish with elongated pointed lower jaw) (Hemiramphus sajori)/stickleback/
はりがね(n) wire/(P)/
しんろ(n) course/direction/compass bearing/
針をんだはりをふくんだことばstinging (scathing) words/
しんしょうぼうだい(adj-na,n) exaggeration/making a mountain out of a molehill/
はりやま(n) pincushion/
はりよ(n) halfbeak (fish with elongated pointed lower jaw) (Hemiramphus sajori)/stickleback/