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Kanji: Radical: (かね) : ; てつ; iron
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4844 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1711
Japanese Reading English
てっこつ(n) steel frame/(P)/
てっそく(n) ironclad regulation/inviolable rule/
鉄のカーテンてつのカーテン (n) iron curtain/
便てつどうびん rail transport/
てっぽうざ gunmakers guild/
てつじん(n) strong man/
てっぱんやき type of Japanese cooking/
てっせきしん (n) iron will/
てっか(adj-na,n) red-hot iron/gunfire/gambling/violent-tempered/
てっせん(n) iron (steel) wire/
てっとう(n) pylon/steel tower/
てつどうゆそう(n) rail transport (transportation, transit)/transport by rail/
てっさ(n) iron chain/
てっこうじょ (n) ironworks/
てつどうじこ(n) railroad accident/
かなぼうひき (n) (1) a gossip/(2) night watchman/
てっこつこうじsteel frame-work/(P)/
てっきょう(n) railway bridge/iron bridge/(P)/
てつどうばしゃ(n) horse-drawn streetcar/
鉄拳てっけん(n) fist/
てっかどんぶり(n) vinegared rice topped with sliced raw tuna/
てつぶん(n) iron/
かなとこ(n) anvil/
てっぽうだま (n) gunshot/bullet/lost (truant) messenger/bulls-eye/
鉄かぶとてつかぶと(n) steel helmet/
てっちゅう(n) iron pole/
てっかまき (n) vinegared rice and sliced raw tuna wrapped in seaweed/
てつどう(n) railroad/(P)/
てっぷん(n) iron powder/
てっき(n) ironware/
てつびん(n) iron kettle/(P)/
鉄屑てつくず(n) scrap iron/
てっぱん(n) iron plate/
鉄槌 てっつい(n) (1) (iron) hammer/(2) punishment/
てつどうもう (n) railroad system or network/
鉄梃かなてこ(n) crowbar/
てっきん(n) rebar/(concrete) iron reinforcing bar/(P)/
てっぱちmendicant priests begging bowl/
てっけつ(n) blood and iron/military might/
かなぼう(n) iron rod/crowbar/horizontal bar (gymnastics)/
てっせん(n) iron-ribbed fan/
てっきじだいIron Age/
鉄兜 てつかぶと(n) steel helmet/
てっさく(n) cable/wire rope/cableway/
てっぴつ(n) stylus/steel pen/stencil pen/
てつざい(n) (medicinal) iron preparations/
鉄拳てっけんせいさい (punishment by) striking with fists/
てっしん(n) iron core/iron will/
てつどうrailroad, railway
てっぽうだま (n) gunshot/bullet/lost (truant) messenger/bulls-eye/