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Kanji: Radical: (かね) : ジュウ; ; gun
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4854 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1723
Japanese Reading English
じゅうざ(n) emplacement/
じゅうか(n) gunfire/
銃のじゅうのつつbarrel of a gun/
じゅうがん(n) bullet/
じゅうしょう(n) gunstock/
じゅうりょう(n) shooting/hunting/
じゅうけん(n) bayonet/
じゅうか(n) arms rack/rifle stand/
じゅうしん(n) gun barrel/
銃を えてじゅうをかまえてready with a rifle leveled/
じゅうさつ(n,vs) death by shooting/(P)/
じゅうだん(n) bullet (from a rifle)/
じゅうけんじゅつ (n) a bayonet drill/
じゅうき(n) small arms/(P)/
じゅうご(n) the homefront/
じゅうせい(n) gunshot/(gun) report/
じゅうけい(n) execute by shooting to death (by firing squad)/
じゅうそう(n) gunshot wound/
じゅうこう(n) gun point/muzzle/
じゅうげき(n,vs) shooting/gunning (down)/
じゅうほう(n) guns/firearms/
じゅうがん(n) loophole/eyelet/
じゅうれんしゃ rapid (weapons) fire/hail of bullets/
じゅうしょう(n) gunshot wound/