門弟 | もんてい | (n) disciple/pupil/follower/(P)/ |
門徒 | もんと | (n) follower/believer/ |
門前町 | もんぜんまち
| (n) town originally built around a temple or
shrine/ |
門院 | もんいん | (n) empress dowager/ |
門跡 | もんぜき | (n) (head priest of) temple formerly led by founder of
sect/temple in which resided a member of nobility or imperial family/(head
priest of) Honganji (temple in Kyoto)/ |
人 | もんじん | (n) pupil/student/follower/ |
門外 | もんがい | (n) outside a gate/beyond one's area of
expertise/ |
門 | もん | (n,n-suf)
gate/(P)/ |
門前 | もんぜん | (n) before a gate/ |
門番 | もんばん | (n) gate watcher/ |
門前町 | もんぜんちょう
| (n) town originally built around a temple or
shrine/ |
門下生 | もんかせい
| (n) pupil/disciple/follower/(P)/ |
門違い | かどちがい | (n) calling at the wrong house/barking up the wrong
tree/ |
門扉 | もんぴ | (n) door(s) of a gate/(P)/ |
門歯 | もんし | (n) incisor/incisive tooth/(P)/ |
門並み | かどなみ | (n-t) line of houses/at every door/ |
門火 | かどび | (n) fire lit at a gate for funerals, weddings and
Obon/ |
門戸 | もんこ | (n) door/ |
門下 | もんか | (n) one's pupil or student or follower/ |
門脈 | もんみゃく | (n) portal vein/ |
構え | もんがまえ | (n) style of a gate/gate-equipped house/ |
門衛 | もんえい | (n) gatekeeper/doorman/porter/ |
門外不出 | もんがいふしゅつ | (n) (treasuring something by) never taking (it) off the
premises/ |
門札 | もんさつ | (n) doorplate/nameplate/gate pass/ |
門鑑 | もんかん | (n) a pass allowing one through a gate/ |
門閥 | もんばつ | (n) lineage/pedigree/good family/(P)/ |
門 | かど | (n,n-suf) gate/(P)/ |
門口 | かどぐち | (n) door/entrance/gateway/(P)/ |
門戸開放政策 | もんこかいほうせいさく | open door policy/ |
門灯 | もんとう | (n) gate lamp/ |
出 | かどで | (n,vs) departure/setting out/ |
門限 | もんげん | (n) closing time/lockup/curfew/ |
門前払い | もんぜんばらい
| (n) turning another away at the gate or front
door/refusing to receive a caller/ |
門戸を閉ざす | もんこをとざす
| (exp) to exclude/to close the door
to/ |
門を開ける | もんをあける | (exp) to open the gate/ |
門松 | かどまつ | (n) New Year's pine decoration/(P)/ |
門地 | もんち | (n) degree/lineage/ |
門付け | かどづけ | (n) (one who offers) door-to-door
entertainment/ |
門柱 | もんちゅう | (n) gatepost/pier/ |
門外漢 | もんがいかん
| (n) outsider/layman/amateur/(P)/ |