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Kanji: Radical: (もん) : カン; せき; barrier
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4958 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3328
Japanese Reading English
かんとういちえんwhole district of Kanto/
かんけいきょうかstrengthening of relations/
かんすうげんけいfunction prototype/
関わりかかわり(n) relation/connection/
かんとうだいしんさい (n) Great Kanto earthquake of 1923/
かんとうべん Kantou dialect/
かんとうKantou (eastern half of Japan, including Tokyo)/(P)/
かんせつ(n,vs) allusion/alluding/
貿かんぜいぼうえきいっぱんきょうてい General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/GATT/
かんれんがいしゃassociated company/
つけるかんけいつける(v1) to relate/
せきもり(n) barrier keeper/
かんすうろん (n) theory of functions/
かんくう(abbr) New Kansai International Airport/
調かんけいちょう relative key (music)/
かんれんしつもん(n) interpellation on related matters/
かんよ(n,vs) participation/taking part in/participating in/being concerned in/(P)/
せきしょやぶり (n) breaking through or sneaking past a barrier/
かんしんじ (n) matter of concern and interest/
かんれんしょうひんrelated product/
関ヶせきがはらdecisive battle/
するかんすうてきにいぞんするあたいfunctionally dependent values/
関わるかかわる(v5r) to concern oneself in/to have to do with/to affect/to influence/to stick to (opinions)/(P)/
せき(n,n-suf) barrier/gate/(P)/
関脇せきわけ(n) sumo junior champion/
かんぜいわりあてせい tariff quota system/
関鍵かんけん(n) (rare) locking doors/lock and key/vital point/
まるかんしんがたかまる (exp) to take a growing interest in/
かんけいがいしゃaffiliated company/
西かんさいべん (n) Kansai dialect/(P)/
けるかんけいずける to relate to/to connect with/
関のせきのやま(n) most one can do/
かんすうかいせきfunctional analysis/
かんぜいじしゅけん tariff autonomy/
かんせつわざ (n) locking technique in judo/
かんしん(n) concern/interest/(P)/
かんち(n,vs) concern/business/
かんけいしゃ (n) authorized people/person(s) concerned/
かんすうくうかんfunctional space/
かんもん(n) barrier/gateway/(P)/
かんれん(n) relation/connection/relevance/(P)/
かんぜいりつ tariff rate/
かんけい(n,vs) relation/connection/(P)/
かんとう(n) crossroads/crucial point/
せきとり(n) ranking sumo wrestler in the makuuchi (senior-grade) or juryo (junior-grade) divisions/
かんぜいかいひtariff avoidance/
西かんさいKansai (south-western half of Japan, including Osaka)/(P)/
かんれんせい (n) relatedness/associativity/relation/relationship/relevance/
かんぜいしょうへきtariff barrier/
かんだい(abbr) Kansai University/