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Kanji: Radical: (ぎふのふ) : ボウ; ふせ(ぐ); protect
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4980 Index in Halpern dictionary: 270
Japanese Reading English
ぼうおんしつ soundproof room/
ぼうちゅうざい (n) insecticide/vermicide/
防諜ぼうちょう(n) counterintelligence/counterespionage/
湿ぼうしつ(n) dampproofing/prevention of moisture/
防蝕ぼうしょく(n) protection against corrosion/
ぼうふう(n) anti-wind (device or facility or measure)/
ぼうおんそうちsoundproofing (device)/
ぼうえき(n) prevention of epidemics/quarantine/disinfection/(P)/
ぼうぎょぶたいdefending forces/
ぼうしゅうざい (n) deodorant/deodorizer/
ぼうしゅく(n) shrinkproof/
ぼうしょくざい (n) an anti-corrosive (agent)/
ぼうふ(n) preservation/embalmment/
ぼうきょう(n) anticommunist (policies or measures)/
ぼうぎょ(n,vs) defense/safeguard/protection/(P)/
ぼうすいふ (n) waterproof cloth/
防蝕ぼうしょくざい(n) an anti-corrosive (agent)/
マスクぼうごマスクprotective mask/
ぼうかとりょうfire-resistant paint/
ぼうどくめん (n) gas mask/
ぼうそうしょう Department of Defense/
ぼうちゅう(n) pesticide/
ぼうかんぐ (n) heavy outfit designed to keep out the cold/
ぼうび(n) defense/defensive preparations/
ぼうせん(n) defensive fight (battle)/(P)/
防禦ぼうぎょ(n,vs) defense/safeguard/protection/
ぼうしょく(n) protection against corrosion/
ぼうかとびら fire door/
ぼうじょ(n) pest control/extermination/
ぼうすいかこうwaterproof finish/
ぼうしししんprevention guideline/
防塞ぼうさい(n) fort/
ぼうえんざい fire-extinguishing agent/
ぼうちゅうかこう(adj-no) mothproof (finish)/
ぼうし(n) prevention/check/(P)/
さきもり(n) soldiers garrisoned at strategic posts in Kyushu in ancient times/
ぼうちょうかん Secretary of Defence/
ぼうどく(n) gasproofing/
ぼうえんfire prevention/
防 塵ぼうじん(n) protection against dust/
ぼうくうほう air defense artillery/
ぼうしょ(n) protection against heat/
ぼうさい(n) disaster prevention/(P)/
ぼうしゅう(n) odor-resistant/
ぼうかん(n) protection against cold/
ぼうぐ(n) protector/
ぼうはてい (n) breakwater/mole/(P)/
ぼうえいちょう (Japan's) Defense Agency/
ぼうせんもう (n) an anti-submarine net/