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Kanji: Radical: (ぎふのふ) : ゲン; かぎ(る)、かぎ(り); limit
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4987 Index in Halpern dictionary: 398
Japanese Reading English
げんかいてん coordinating point/
限りかぎりない(adj) eternal/unlimited/endless/
限りかぎりなくwithout end/exceedingly/
限りないかぎりない(adj) eternal/unlimited/endless/
げんていばん (n) limited edition/
げんがい(n) excess/extra/
限るかぎる(v5r) to restrict/to limit/to confine/(P)/
限りかぎり(n-adv,n) limit(s)/as far as possible/as much as possible/to the best of one's ability/(P)/
げんていせんそうlimited war/
げんてい(n,vs) limit/restriction/(P)/
げんていてき limiting/restrictive/
げんかい(n) limit/bound/(P)/
げんていし (n) determiner/
げんどがく credit limit (on a credit card)/
げんど(n) limit/bounds/(P)/
えるげんどをこえる (exp) to go beyond the limit/to pass the limit/
げんかいけんびきょう high magnification microscope/
げんかいじょうきょうcritical situation/
げんかいこうようmarginal utility/