院の内外 | いんのないがい
| legislative circles/ |
院政 | いんせい | (n) government by cloistered emperors/ |
院本 | いんぽん | (n) drama/playbook/ |
院議 | いんぎ | (n) legislative decision/ |
院内感染 | いんないかんせん | infection incurred while hospitalized/ |
院主 | いんじゅ | (n) head of a temple/ |
院外団 | いんがいだん
| (n) nonparliamentary party
association/ |
院長 | いんちょう | (n) director/ |
院外 | いんがい | (n) non-parliamentary/outside congress/ |
院生 | いんせい | (n) (abbr) graduate student/ |
院内 | いんない | (n) inside the House (Diet)/ |
院号 | いんごう | (n) ex-emperor/ |
宣 | いんぜん | (n) imperial command (decree)/decree of cloistered
emperor/ |
院宣 | いんせん | (n) imperial command (decree)/decree of cloistered
emperor/ |