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Kanji: Radical: (ぎふのふ) : ジン; ; camp
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4992 Index in Halpern dictionary: 455
Japanese Reading English
じんち(n) (military) encampment/position/(P)/
じんまく(n) camp enclosure/
じんとうしきtaking command of a corps in a battle/command exercised by the leader of a group/
陣をじんをはる(exp) to pitch camp/
じんどる(v5r) to encamp/to take up positions/
じんとう(n) head of an army/
じんだて(n) battle formation/
じんつう(n) labour (birth) pains/(P)/
陣をじんをたてなおす (exp) to redeploy troops/
じんちゅうみまいvisiting soldiers at the front to provide comfort/
じんぼつ(n,vs) death in battle/
じんえい(n) camp (group of same ideological beliefs)/(P)/
陣笠じんがさ(n) ancient soldier's straw hat/party rank and file/
陣をじんをしく(exp) to encamp/to take up a position/
じんちゅう(n) in camp/at the front/
じんだいこ (n) war drum/
じんとり(n) children's game in which the aim is to occupy the other's home base/
じんよう(n) battle array/(P)/
じんもん(n) surrender to the enemy/
じんれつ(n) battle formation/
じんや(n) encampment/
じんけい(n) (military) formation/
じんばおり (n) battle surcoat/