隔年 | かくねん | (n-adv,n-t) biannually/ |
隔絶 | かくぜつ | (n,vs) isolation/separation/ |
隔世の感が有る | かくせいのかんがある | (exp) to be poles apart/ |
隔月刊 | かくげつかん
| published bimonthly/ |
隔たり | へだたり | (n)
distance/interval/gap/difference/estrangement/ |
隔てる | へだてる | (v1) to be shut out/(P)/ |
隔世 | かくせい | (n) previous age/ |
隔離 | かくり | (n,vs) isolation/segregation/(P)/ |
隔世遺伝 | かくせいいでん | atavism/ |
隔月 | かくげつ | (n) every second month/ |
隔膜 | かくまく | (n) partition/diaphragm/ |
隔週 | かくしゅう | (n-adv,n-t) every other week/ |
隔日 | かくじつ | (n-adv,n-t) every other day/ |
隔離病棟 | かくりびょうとう | isolation ward/ |
る | へだたる | (v5r) to
be distant/(P)/ |
隔壁 | かくへき | (n) barrier wall/ |
隔て | へだて | (n) partition/distinction/ |
隔意 | かくい | (n) reserved/with reservations/ |
隔靴掻痒 | かっかそうよう | (n) be frustrated because something is not quite as
hoped (just as one cannot scratch an itch from outside a shoe)/having an itch
that one cannot scratch/ |