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Kanji: Radical: (ぎふのふ) : ショウ; さわ(る); hinder
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5019 Index in Halpern dictionary: 715
Japanese Reading English
しょうがいぶつ (n) obstacle/
しょうがいしゃ (n) (physically) handicapped person/disabled person/
障りさわり(n) hindrance/obstacle/harm/bad effect/sickness/
しょうへきが (n) pictures on (room) partitions/
しょうじ(n) paper sliding door/(P)/
あおりいか type of squid/
しょうじのこし lower part of a shoji (paper sliding-door)/
しょうがい(n) obstacle/impediment (fault)/(P)/
しょうへき(n) enclosing wall/barrier/(P)/
障るさわる(v5r) to hinder/to interfere with/to affect/to do one harm/to be harmful to/(P)/
しょうがいぶつきょうそ うobstacle race/
障碍しょうがい(n) hindrance/obstacle/(physical) disorder/
しょうじにかげをうつす(exp) to project a shadow on a shoji (paper sliding-door)/
しょうじのさん frame of a shoji (paper sliding-door)/
しょうじがみ (n) shoji paper/