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Kanji: Radical: (ぎふのふ) : イン; かく(す)、かく(れる); hide
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5020 Index in Halpern dictionary: 713
Japanese Reading English
隠蔽いんぺいし(n) suppressor/
隠し かくしあじ(n) bringing out a taste/
隠れかくれが(n) hiding place/refuge/
隠喩いんゆ(n) metaphor/
隠れ蓑 かくれみの(n) magic cloak of invisibility/
おんぼう(n) cemetery guard/crematorium worker/
いんげんまめ (n) kidney bean/
隠れかくれみち(n) hidden path/
いんび(adj-na,n) obscurity/mystery/abstruseness/
おんみつ(adj-na,n) privacy/secrecy/spy/detective/
隠しカメラかくしカメラhidden (spy) camera/
退いんたいぞうぶっし secretly hoarded goods/
隠蔽いんぺい(n,vs) concealment/suppression/hiding/
いんとくぶっしconcealed materials/(P)/
いんご(n) secret language/jargon/cant/humbug/(P)/
隠棲いんせい(n) secluded life/
いんじゃ(n) hermit/(P)/
隠し かくしだ(n) unregistered rice field/
隠しかくしもつ(v5t) to carry (something) under cover/
いんきょ(n) retirement/retired person/(P)/
隠れかくれざと(n) isolated village/
隠しかくしこと(n) secret/
隠れる かくれる(v1,vi) to hide/to be hidden/to conceal oneself/to disappear/(P)/
おんぼう(n) cremator/
隠遁 いんとん(n) retirement/seclusion/
隠しかくしどり(n,vs) taking pictures secretly/peeping photo/
隠しかくしばしょ (n) cache/place to hide something/
隠しかくしざいげん secret resources/
いんめつ(n) destruction/suppression/
隠れかくれ(n,pref) hidden/underground/crypto/
いんげん(n) beans/
隠しかくしごと(n) secret/
いんとくしゃ hider/person in hiding/(P)/
隠しかくしげい(n) hidden talent/(P)/
いんにん(n) patience/endurance/
隠しかくしぬい(n) concealed seams/
隠れかくれふす(v5s) to lie concealed/
隠れもないかくれもない(exp) well-known/
いんけん(n) appearance and disappearance/
退いんたいせいかつsecluded life/
隠し かくしご(n) illegitimate child/
隠しかくしひきだし secret withdrawal/(P)/
隠れんかくれんぼう(n) hide and seek (the game)/
退いんたい(n) retirement/seclusion/
隠しかくしぐいeating on the sly/
隠し釘かくしくぎ(n) concealed nail/
いんめん(n) hidden surface/
隠すかくす(v5s,vt) to hide/to conceal/(P)/
いんし(n) hermit/recluse/