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Kanji: Radical: (ふるとり) : シュウ; あつ(まる)、あつ(める)、つど(う); collect
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5031 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2771
Japanese Reading English
しゅうけん(n) centralization (e.g. power)/
しゅうだんけんしんgroup medical examination/
集まりあつまり(n) gathering/meeting/assembly/collection/(P)/
しゅうだんそしょうclass-action (lawsuit)/
しゅうごうじかん(n) time appointed for meeting (assembling)/time one is supposed to meet/
集まるあつまるmeet togerther
しゅうらく(n) village/(P)/
しゅうちゅうちりょうし つintensive care unit/ICU/
しゅうちゅうごううlocal downpour/severe rain fall/
集るたかる(v5r) to gather/to crowd round/to swarm/to flock/to extort from/to sponge off/(P)/
しゅうごうばしょ(n) meeting-place/rendezvous (point)/roll-call (assembly) point/appointed (designated) place/
しゅうぐん(vs) gather a group together/
しゅうごうめいしcollective noun/
しゅうやく(n) (1) intensive/(2) collect(ed)/summarize(d)/
集まるあつまる(v5r,vi) to gather/to collect/to assemble/(P)/
しゅうきんにん bill collector/
しゅうはいじん (n) postman/mailman/mail carrier/
集うつどう(v5u) to meet/to assemble/to congregate/(P)/
しゅうちゅう(n) variorum/
しゅうごうgathering, meeting
集塵しゅうじん(n) collecting dust/
しゅうちゅうこうげき(n,vs) (making, launching) concentrated attack (on, against)/
しゅうはい(n,vs) collection and delivery/
しゅうごうたい aggregation/
しゅうか(n) collection of freight/
しっちゅう(n) variorum/
しゅうごう(n,vs) gathering/assembly/meeting/set (math)/(P)/
しゅうけつ(n,vs) massing (of troops)/gathering/
しゅうだん(n) group/mass/(P)/
しゅうちゅうほうかconcentrated fire/
集塵しゅうじんき(n) dust collector/
集めるあつめる(v1,vt) to collect/to assemble/(P)/
しゅうだんのうじょうcollective farm/
しゅうろく(n) compilation/editing/
しゅうけい(n,vs) totalization/aggregate/
しゅうかい(n) meeting/assembly/(P)/
しゅうごうてき collective/
しゅうだんしゅうしょくgroup employment/
しゅうだんせいかつ(n) living in a group/communal living (life)/
しゅうひょう(n,vs) gathering votes/
しゅうはいにん (n) postman/mailman/mail carrier/
しゅうこう(n,vs) condense/
しゅうさつ(n) ticket collection/
しゅうちゅうりょく (n) (powers of) concentration/ability to concentrate/
しゅうだんけっこんgroup wedding/
しゅうちゅうせん saturated linework/concentrated linework/
しゅうたいせい (n,vs) compilation/
しゅうやくのうぎょうintensive farming/
しゅうせき(n,vs) accumulation/