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Kanji: Radical: (ふるとり) : ザツ、ゾウ; ; miscellaneous
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5032 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1385
Japanese Reading English
ざった(adj-na,n) miscellaneous/mixed/
雑駁ざっぱく(adj-na,n) confusion/
ざっこく(n) assorted grains/
ぞうき(n) various kinds of small trees/assorted trees/
雑ざるまざる(v5r) to mix/
ざっかしょう general store/
ざつぼく(n) various kinds of small trees/assorted trees/
ざっきん(n) microorganisms/
ざつねん(n) idle thoughts/worldly thoughts/
ざつむ(n) routine tasks or duties/
ざつえき(n) chore/odd job/
ざつがく(n) miscellaneous knowledge/
雑ぜるまぜる(v1) to mix/
ざっきょく(n) popular song/
ざつしょとく (n) miscellaneous (sundry) incomes/
ざっそん(n) miscellaneous losses/
雑巾をぞうきんをしぼる(exp) to wring a floorcloth/
ざっきょ(n,vs) sharing living quarters/
ざっこん(n) communal marriage/
ざつだん(n,vs) chatting/idle talk/(P)/
ざつじ(n) miscellaneous matters/
ざつおん(n) noise (jarring, grating)/(P)/
ぞうひょう(n) small fry/ordinary soldiers/rank and file/
ぞうぼく(n) various kinds of small trees/assorted trees/
ざっしゅ(n) hybrid/
ざっそく(n) miscellaneous rules/
ビルざっきょビル(n) building containing a number of businesses and shops/
ぞうにん(n) low-call people/
ざっかてん (n) general (variety) store (shop)/
ざつよう(n) odd jobs/miscellaneous/other/etc./
ざつぜい(n) miscellaneous taxes/
雑巾ぞうきん(n) house-cloth/dust cloth/(P)/
ぞうきばやし (n) grove of mixed trees/copse/(P)/
雑嚢ざつのう(n) duffel bag/
ざつわ(n) chitchat/
ざっか(n) miscellaneous goods/general goods/sundries/
雑じるまじる(io) (v5r) to mix/
ぞうぼくりん (n) grove of mixed trees/copse/
ざつえきふ cleaning lady/
ぞうさ(n) trouble/
ぞうに(n) New Year dish/rice cakes cooked w. vegetables/(P)/
ざつ(adj-na,n) rough/crude/(P)/
ざつぶん(n) literary miscellany/
ざつろく(n) miscellaneous records/
雑巾ぞうきんかけmopping the floor/
じゃこ(n) small fish/small fry/
ざっしょ(n) assorted books/
ざっぴん(n) sundries/odds and ends/