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Kanji: Radical: (ふるとり) : ; はな(れる)、はな(す); separation
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 18 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5040 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1836
Japanese Reading English
りにゅう(n,vs) weaning/
りかんさく (n) scheme to provoke discord or alienation/
りこん(n,vs) divorce/(P)/
りしょう(n) getting out of bed/leaving one's sick-bed/
りきゅう(n) villa (imperial)/
りかく(n) isolation/separation/
りにち(n) departure from Japan/
りこんびょう (n) somnambulism/
りさん(n,vs) dispersal/scattering/
りごうしゅうさん(n) alliance and rupture/
りとう(n) secession from a political party/
離れはなれじま(n) solitary island/
りだつ(n,vs) withdrawal/secession/separation/breakaway/(P)/
りせき(n) removal of name from family register/
りすい(n) (seaplane's) takeoff/
りべつ(n,vs) separation/divorce/
りがん(n) setting sail/
離れはなれや(n) detached building/solitary house/
りしょく(n) leaving or losing a job/
りしゅう(n) sorrow of parting/
りえんじょう (n) letter of divorce/
りりく(n,vs) takeoff/(P)/
りごう(n) alliance and rupture/meeting and parting/
りしょう(n,vs) refloat/(P)/
りきょう(n) departure from the capital/
りこんそしょうdivorce suit/divorce proceedings/(P)/
りにん(n) departure from office/
離れるはなれる(v1) to be separated from/to leave/to go away/to be a long way off/(P)/
りきょう(n) departure from one's home town/
りはん(n) estrangement/alienation/disaffection/(P)/
りべんか (n) schizopetalous flower/
りしょくしゃ retired employee/unemployed person/
離れ離れになるはなればなれになる(exp) to be dispersed/to get separated/
りこんりつ (n) divorce rate/
りとう(n) isolated (outlying) island/departure from an island/
りそん(n,vs) leaving ones village/
りざん(n) isolated mountain/departure from a temple/
りく(n) agony of separation/
りえん(n,vs) divorce/dissolution of adoption/
りにゅうき weaning period/
りのう(n) giving up farming for another profession/
離れはなれわざ(n) stunt/feat/
りにゅうしょく (n) baby food/
離れはなれざしき room detached from main house/
りかん(n,vs) estrangement/alienation/
離れ離れはなればなれ(adj-na,n) separate/scattered/
りしんりつ (n) eccentricity/
りちゃくりく (n) takeoff and landing/
離すはなす(v5s) to part/divide/separate/(P)/