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Kanji: Radical: (あめ) : ; あめ、あま; rain
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5042 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3561
Japanese Reading English
あまだれ(n) raindrops/(P)/
雨蛙あまがえる(n) tree frog/
あめおとこ(n) man whose presence seems to cause rain/
あまもよい(n) threat of rain/
うすい(n) rain water/
雨だ れあまだれ(n) raindrops/
うてき(n) raindrops/(P)/
あまぐもrain cloud
あめかぜ(n) rain and wind/driving rain/
雨霰あめあられ(n) rain and hail/
ってまるあめふってじかたまる(exp) adversity builds character/
あめおち(n) place where raindrops fall from the eaves/
雨燕あまつばめ(n) white-rumped swift/
うてん(n) rainy weather/(P)/
うてんけっこうNOT cancelled in case of rain/
うろ(n) rain and dew/
あめ(n) rain/(P)/
あめつづきraining for days on end/
あめもよう (n) signs of rain/threat of rain/
あまおち(n) place where raindrops fall from the eaves/
宿あまやどり(n) taking shelter from rain/(P)/
うき(n) signs of rain/threatening to rain/
あまあし(n) passing shower/streaks of pouring rain/
あまだれいし dripstone/
あまつぶ(n) raindrop/(P)/
あまぐも(n) rain cloud/(P)/
あまじたく (n) preparation for rain/
うき(n) rainy season/(P)/
がりあまあがり(io) (n) after the rain/
あまあい(n) break in the rain/
あめあし(n) passing shower/streaks of pouring rain/
うてんじゅんえんrescheduled in case of rain/
あめふり(n) in the rain/(P)/
あまかぜ(n) rain and wind/driving rain/
あまぐもり(n) overcast weather/
あまどをくる (exp) to roll open the shutters/
雨笠 あまがさ(n) rain hat/
じりのあめまじりのゆき snow mingled with rain/
うりょうけい (n) rain gauge/
あめあし(n) passing shower/streaks of pouring rain/
あまやみ(n) break in the rain/
雨がさあまがさ(n) umbrella/
あまがっぱ (n) raincoat/oilcoat/
あめつゆ(n) rain and dew/
あめつぶ(n) raindrop/
あまぞら(n) threatening sky/
うせい(n) sound of rain/
あまじたく (n) preparation for rain/