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Kanji: Radical: (あめ) : ライ; かみなり; thunder
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5049 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2791
Japanese Reading English
らいじゅう(n) (in Chinese mythology) beast which descends from the sky with a thunderbolt/
らいうん(n) thunder cloud/
らいこう(n) lightning/
らいめい(n) fame/renown/great name/
らいでん(n) thunder and lightning/
らいじん(n) god of lightning/
らいどう(n) following blindly/
いかずち(n) thunder/
らいか(n) flash of lightning/fire started by lightning/
かみなり(n) thunder/(P)/
らいぎょ(n) snake-head mullet/
らいめい(n) thunder/(P)/
らいげき(n) being struck by lightning/torpedo attack/
かみなりおやじ (n) snarling old man/irascible old man/
らいう(n) thunderstorm/(P)/
らいちょう(n) ptarmigan/
らいかん(n) detonator/