霊性 | れいせい | divine nature/spirituality/ |
霊木 | れいぼく | (n) sacred tree/ |
魂 | れいこん | (n) soul/spirit/ |
長 | れいちょう | (n) leader with miraculous powers/humanity/ |
霊場 | れいじょう | (n) sacred ground/ |
霊夢 | れいむ | (n) revelatory dream/revelation/a vision/ |
霊と肉 | れいとにく | flesh and spirit/ |
霊験 | れいけん | (n) miraculous efficacy/miracle/miraculous
virtue/ |
霊魂不滅 | れいこんふめつ | immortality of the soul/ |
霊智 | れいち | (n) mystic wisdom/ |
霊域 | れいいき | (n) sacred ground/sacred precincts/ |
霊芝 | れいし | (n) Fomes japonicus/ |
霊肉 | れいにく | (n) body and soul/(P)/ |
霊山 | れいざん | (n) sacred mountain/ |
霊魂消滅 | れいこんしょうめつ | annihilation/ |
霊安室 | れいあんしつ
| (n) morgue/ |
霊位 | れいい | (n) memorial tablet/ |
霊長類 | れいちょうるい
| (n) primates/ |
霊園 | れいえん | (n) cemetery/(P)/ |
霊宝 | れいほう | (n) sacred treasure/ |
霊知 | れいち | (n) mystic wisdom/ |
霊殿 | れいでん | (n) shrine/mausoleum/ |
霊柩車 | れいきゅうしゃ | (n) hearse/ |
霊感 | れいかん | (n) afflatus/inspiration/ |
霊薬 | れいやく | (n) unusually effective medicine/miracle
drug/ |
霊気 | れいき | (n) aura/ |
霊妙 | れいみょう | (adj-na,n) miraculous/wonderful/ |
霊 | れい | (n) soul/spirit/departed soul/ghost/ |
霊能 | れいのう | spiritual ability/ |
霊験 | れいげん | (n) miraculous efficacy/miracle/miraculous
virtue/ |
霊廟 | れいびょう | (n)
mausoleum/ |
霊界 | れいかい | (n) the spiritual world/ |
霊媒 | れいばい | (n) spirit medium/(P)/ |
霊獣 | れいじゅう | (n) sacred beast/ |
霊屋 | たまや | (n) mausoleum/(temporary) resting place of a
corpse/ |
霊水 | れいすい | (n) miraculous (miracle-working) water/ |
霊送り | たまおくり | (n) sending off the spirits of the dead/ |
霊地 | れいち | (n) sacred ground/ |
霊感商法 | れいかんしょうほう | (n) fraudulent way of business, cajoling people into
buying articles for an extremely high price by claiming they will bring good
luck/ |
霊異 | れいい | (n) wondrous thing/ |
霊剣 | れいけん | (n) sacred or wondrous sword/ |
霊的 | れいてき | (adj-na,n) spiritual/incorporeal/ |
霊泉 | れいせん | (n) miraculous spring or fountain/ |
霊柩 | れいきゅう | (n) coffin/casket/ |
霊肉一致 | れいにくいっち | unity of body and spirit/ |
霊鳥 | れいちょう | (n) sacred bird/ |
峰 | れいほう | (n) sacred mountain/(P)/ |
霊前 | れいぜん | (n) before the spirit of the deceased/ |