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Kanji: Radical: Error (Error) : セイ、ジョウ; しず(か)、しず(まる)、しず(める); quiet
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5077 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1728
Japanese Reading English
せいでんきぼうし anti-static (elec)/
せいおん(adj-na,n) serene/tranquility/
せいしが still image/
じょうみゃくけつ (n) venous blood/
せいてき(adj-na,n) static/
せいちょう(n,vs) listening quietly/
せいあつひ static pressure ratio/
せいでんき (n) static electricity/
せいしどあつけいすうcoefficient of earth pressure at rest/
せいじゃく(adj-na,n) silence/(P)/
せいたい(n) static/stationary/
せいかん(n) watchful waiting/careful supervision/
せいし(n) stillness/repose/standing still/(P)/
静めるしずめる(v1,vt) to appease/to suppress/to calm/(P)/
せいたいそうけいstatic statistics/
せいでんようりょう(n) capacitance/electrostatic capacity/
じょうちゅう(abbr) intravenous injection/IV/
せいしじょうたい(n) in) a state of rest/
せいや(n) quiet night/
静 かしずか(adj-na,n) quiet/peaceful/(P)/
せいしきどうgeostationary orbit/geosynchronous orbit/
せいよう(n) (convalescent) rest/
せいぶつ(n) still life/object at rest/(P)/
静岡しずおかけんprefecture in the Chuubu area/
じょうみゃくりゅう(n) a varix/
せいしえいせいsatellite in geosynchronous orbit/
しずごころ(n) placid temperament/
せいぶつが (n) still-life picture/
じょうみゃくえん phlebitis/
静まるしずまる(v5r) to quieten down/to calm down/to subside/to die down/to abate/to be suppressed/(P)/
じょうみゃく(n) vein/(P)/
静と せいとどうstillness and motion/
静まりしずまりかえる(v5r) to fall silent/to become still as death/
静めるしずめるquiet, calm; appease (anger,etc); relieve (cough,etc)
せいしゅく(adj-na,n) silent/(P)/
せいしがほうそう (n) broadcasting of still pictures/
静静しずしず(adv) quietly/slowly/
静謐せいひつ(adj-na,n) peacefulness/tranquillity/
静まるしずまるbecome quiet, become composed; subside
せいざ(n) sitting quietly/meditation/
じょうみゃくちゅうしゃintravenous injection/
せいりきがく (n) statics/
静けさしずけさ(n) stillness/silence/hush/calm/serenity/
せいすいあつ (n) hydrostatic pressure/
せいし(n) meditation/