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Kanji: Radical: (おおがい) : チョウ; いただ(く)、いただき; top
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5118 Index in Halpern dictionary: 145
Japanese Reading English
ちょうじょう(n) top/summit/peak/(P)/
頂戴ちょうだいもの(n) present/gift/
ちょうかく(n) vertical angle/
いただき(n) (top of) head/summit/spire/(P)/
ちょうじょうをめざす(exp) to set out for the summit/
頂けないいただけない(exp) not acceptable/unapprovable/dissatisfactory/
頂きいただき(n) (top of) head/summit/spire/
頂けるいただける(v1) (1) to receive (potential)/(2) to be pretty good/to be exquisite/to be approvable/
ちょうじょうかいだんsummit conference/
頂くいただく(v5k) to receive/to take food or drink (hum)/to be crowned with/to wear/to live under (a ruler)/to install (a president)/to accept/to buy/to take/(P)/
頂戴ちょうだい(int,n,vs) please/reception/being given/get/(P)/
頂き いただきもの(hum) (received) present/gift/
ちょうもんのいっしん(n) painful reproach (like a needle stuck in one's scalp)/
ちょうてん(n) top/summit/(P)/