The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary |
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Japanese | Reading | English |
題名 | だいめい | (n) title/(P)/ |
題 字 | だいじ | (n) title/prefatory words/ |
題簽 | だいせん | (n) slip of paper bearing a book's title (pasted inside the book)/ |
題を付ける | だいをつける | (exp) to entitle/ |
題画 | だいが | (n) poem or writings added to a picture or painting/ |
題目 | だいもく | (n) title of a book/heading/ |
題 | だい | (n,vs) title/subject/theme/topic/(P)/ |
題辞 | だいじ | (n) prefatory words/epigraph/ |
題詠 | だいえい | (n) poetry composed on a set theme/ |
題言 | だいげん | (n) prefatory words/epigraph/ |
題号 | だいごう | (n) title/ |
題意 | だいい | (n) meaning of a question/ |
題材 | だいざい | (n) subject/theme/(P)/ |