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Kanji: Radical: (おおがい) : ガン; かお; face
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 18 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5139 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1808
Japanese Reading English
顔をつぶすかおをつぶす (v5) to cause loss of face/
顔繋ぎかおつなぎ(n) getting or keeping acquainted with/
かおface (person)
かおつき(n) (outward) looks/features/face/countenance/expression/(P)/
かおぶれ(n) personnel/(P)/
顔をげるかおをあげる(exp) to raise one's face/
顔をらめるかおをあからめる(exp) to change color/to blush/
顔なじみかおなじみ(n) acquaintance/friend/familiar face/(P)/
がんめん(n) face (of person)/(P)/
顔をけるかおをそむける(exp) to turn one's face away/
顔ぶれかおぶれ(n) member/
顔にかおにどろをぬる (exp) to bring disgrace (dishonor) on/to fling mud at/
かおだち(n) looks/features/(P)/
かおだし(n) putting in an appearance/showing one's face/
かおじゃしん (n) photographic portrait/
かおづくり(n) shape of the head/using make-up/
かおかたち(n-t) features/looks/
顔貌かおかたち(n-t) features/looks/
顔がかおがたつ(exp) to save one's face/
かおよごし(n) a disgrace or dishonor/
顔のかおのひろいひと person with many contacts/
かおやく(n) influential man/boss/
顔アップかおアップclose-up of a face/
顔を掩うかおをおおう(exp) to cover one's face/
がんしょく(n) complexion/countenance/expression/
かおみせ(n) making an appearance/debuting/
かおむけ(n) face another/
顔をかおをおおう(exp) to cover one's face/
かお(n) face (person)/(P)/
かおみしり (n) acquaintance/
顔を潰されるかおをつぶされる (exp) to lose face/to be put out of countenance/
顔つきかおつき(n) (outward) looks/features/face/countenance/expression/
わせかおあわせmeeting each other
かおあわせ(n,vs) meeting together/introduction/
がんぐろblackening the body/
顔のかおのつくりfeatures of the face/
顔をわせるかおをあわせる(v1) to meet/to face someone/
顔からかおからひがでる (v1) to be extremely embarrassed/to burn with shame/
わせかおあわせ(n,vs) meeting together/introduction/
かおまけ(n,vs) embarrassed/ashamed/
がんちゃく(sl) face landing (used by BMX riders)/
顔馴かおなじみ(n) acquaintance/friend/familiar face/
顔馴かおなじみ(n) acquaintance/friend/familiar face/
かおいろ(n) complexion/countenance/expression/(P)/
がんりょう(n) colorant/
顔をしか めるかおをしかめる(v1) to grimace/to frown/
顔をてるかおをたてる(v1) to save face/