顕職 | けんしょく | (n) prominent or high post/ |
顕然 | けんぜん | (adj-na,n) being clear or manifest/ |
顕正 | けんしょう | (n) (Buddhism) revealing or demonstrating the
truth/ |
顕微 | けんび | (adj-na,n) microscopic/ |
顕教 | けんきょう | Exoteric Buddhism/ |
顕要 | けんよう | (adj-na,n) of great prominence or dignity/ |
顕著 | けんちょ | (adj-na,n) remarkable/striking/obvious/(P)/ |
顕現 | けんげん | (n) manifestation/ |
顕微鏡 | けんびきょう
| (n) microscope/(P)/ |
顕在化 | けんざいか
| (vs) being actualized/ |
顕揚 | けんよう | (n) extolling/exalting/ |
顕在 | けんざい | (n,vs) actual (as opposed to hidden or
obscured)/actualized/ |
顕花植物 | けんかしょくぶつ | (n) flowering plant/(P)/ |
顕われる | あらわれる | (v1) to appear/to come in sight/to become visible/to
come out/to embody/to materialize/to express oneself/ |
顕示 | けんじ | (n,vs) revelation/ |
顕彰 | けんしょう | (n,vs) manifesting/displaying/honouring/(P)/ |