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Kanji: Radical: (くび) : シュ; くび; neck
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5186 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2265
Japanese Reading English
しゅと(n) capital city/(P)/
よくしゅびよく(adv) successfully/with success/
しゅしょうけんがいしょ うPrime Minister and Foreign Minister/(P)/
しゅびいっかん(n) consistent/unchanging from beginning to end/
しゅしょう(n,vs) advocacy/promotion/(P)/
くびかり(n) headhunting/
っこくびねっこ(n) the scruff or nape of the neck/
しゅこう(n,vs) assent/consent/(P)/
首縊りくびくくり(n) hanging oneself/
首枷くびかせ(n) a pillory/a burden/
首にするくびにする(exp,vs) to fire from a job/
しゅとけん (n) the Tokyo area (within 50 KM of Tokyo's center)/(P)/
しゅしょう(n) Prime Minister/(P)/
くびきり(n) firing/dismissal/decapitation/execution/
しゅいだしゃthe leading hitter/
しゅきゅう(n) decapitated head of an enemy/
しゅそく(n) head and legs/the body/
しゅざ(n) seat of honor/head of the table/head/
えるくびすじをちがえる (exp) to wrench one's neck/
首をくびをくくる(exp) to hang oneself/
首をげるくびをかしげる(exp) to put one's head on one side/
しゅしょうかんてい(n) prime minister's official residence/
しゅびよく (adv) successfully/
しゅび(n) issue/course of events/beginning and end/(P)/
首をめるくびをちぢめる(v1) to duck one's head/
首吊りくびつり(n) hanging (by the neck)/
首っくびったま(n) the neck/
首を くびをきる(exp,v5) to behead/to fire from a job/
しゅのうぶ (n) executives/top management/
くび(n) neck/(P)/
しゅぼう(n) planning/plotting/ringleader/
しゅしょう(n) commander-in-chief/
しゅのうかいぎsummit meeting/top-level conference/
しゅのう(n) head/brains/(P)/
首になるくびになる(exp) to be beheaded/to be fired/to be dismissed/
くびすじ(n) nape of the neck/back of the neck/scruff of the neck/
しゅりょう(n) head/chief/boss/leader/
首を揃えるくびをそろえる(exp) to get together/
首っくびったけ(adj-na,n) up to the neck/complete devotion/
くびまき(n) comforter/muffler/neckerchief/
しゅぼうしゃ ringleader/
しゅしょうbeginning of a book/
首斬りくびきり(n) firing/dismissal/decapitation/execution/
しゅしょうしゃ an advocate/
くびわ(n) necklace/choker/
首をけるくびをかたむける(exp) to incline one's head/
くびじっけん (n) identifying a severed head/checking a person's identity/
首をくしてくびをながくしてlooking forward/expectantly/eagerly/
くびかざり(n) necklace/(P)/