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Kanji: Radical: (うま) : ソウ; さわ(ぐ)、ざわめ(く); clamor
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 18 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5221 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1835
Japanese Reading English
騒擾 そうじょう(n) riot/disturbance/
騒ぐさわぐ(v5g) to make noise/to clamor/to be excited/to be alarmed/to kick up a fuss/to make merry/to be annoying/to be troublesome/to make a noise/(P)/
騒ぎさわぎ(n,n-suf) uproar/disturbance/(P)/
騒々しいそうぞうしい(adj) noisy/boisterous/(P)/
たるそうぜんたる(adj-t) confused/noisy/
騒ぎてるさわぎたてる(v1) to make a fuss (outcry, uproar)/(P)/
そうどう(n) strife/riot/rebellion/(P)/
そうおんぼうしほう Noise Abatement Act/
騒がすさわがす(v5s,vt) to annoy/to cause trouble/
そうじん(n) poet/
そうおん(n) noise/(P)/
騒がし いさわがしい(adj) noisy/(P)/
そうらんざい (n) crime of rioting/
そうぜん(adj-na,n) noisy/confused/uproarious/(P)/
騒擾そうじょうざい(n) (the crime of) rioting/
騒騒しいそうぞうしい(adj) noisy/boisterous/
騒めくざわめく(v5k) (uk) to be noisy/to be astir/to rustle/(P)/
そうらん(n) disturbance/riot/