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Kanji: Radical: (ほね) : コツ; ほね; bone
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5236 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2654
Japanese Reading English
こっぽう(n) knack/the ropes/
こっちょう(n) height/pinnacle/
こっか(n) ossification/
こつがら(n) build/physique/appearance/
ほねばる(v5r) to be bony/to be angular/
こっせつ(n) bone fracture/(P)/
骨鱗こつりんbony scale (of a fish)/
骨骼こっかく(n) physique/frame/skeletal structure/framework/
ほねおり(n) travail/ado/
骨 董こっとう(n) antique/curio/
こっかくきん (n) skeletal muscle/
骨董こっとうひんてん antique store/curio store/
骨を ほねをおる(exp) to make efforts/to take pains/to break one's bone/
骨をめるほねをうずめる(exp) to die in (a foreign land)/
ほねみ(n) flesh and bones/
骨っぽいほねっぽい(adj) bony/tough/plucky/spirited/hard to deal with/
こっせつbone fracture
骨壷 こつつぼ(n) funerary urn/
骨牌かるた(pt:) (n) playing cards (pt: carta)/(P)/
こつまくえん (n) periostitis/
ほねぬき(adj-no,n) boned/mutilated/watered down/(P)/
こつあげ(n) gathering up the ashes of the deceased/
こつなんかしょう(n) osteomalacia/
こつそしき (n) bony tissue/
こつそしょうしょう (n) osteoporosis/
こつにくしゅ(n) osteosarcoma/
こつざい(n) aggregate/
骨が れるほねがおれる(v1) to require much effort/to be hard to do/to have ones bones broken/
こつばい(n) bone ash/
骨董 こっとうしゅみ antiquarianism/
こつばこ(n) box in which ashes of the deceased are kept/box in which a funerary urn is kept/
こっぷん(n) powdered bone(s)/
骨のほねのあるおとこ man of spirit/
ほねおりぞん (n) waste of labor or energy/vain effort/
こつずい(n) marrow/true spirit/(P)/
骨をえるこつをおぼえる(v1) to learn the ropes/to get the knack/
こっし(n) bones/marrow/essentials/(P)/
こっそう(n) physique/phrenology/
ほねしごと (n) backbreaking work/
こつずいいしょく(n) marrow transplant/
こつばん(n) pelvis/
ほねぐみ(n) skeleton/framework/
こつまく(n) periosteum/
こつずいえん (n) (osteo)myelitis/
ほねぶと(adj-na,n) big-boned/stout/
こったん(n) ashes of animal bones, used as a coloring agent/
こつにく(n) one's own flesh and blood/blood relations/kinsmen/
骨董こっとうひん(n) curio/
ほねおる(v5r) to exert oneself greatly/to take pains/