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Kanji: Radical: () : ギョ; さかな、うお; fish
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5281 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2127
Japanese Reading English
ぎょしん(n) (a) bite/(a) strike/
さかな(n) fish/(P)/
うおざ(n) Pisces/
ぎょせいmilt/fish semen/
うおいちば (n) fish market/(P)/
ぎょぞく(n) fish/
ぎょらい(n) torpedo/(P)/
ぎょどう(n) path taken by school of fish/fish ladder/
ぎょばん(n) wooden gong shaped like a fish/
ぎょぐん(n) school of fish/(P)/
ぎょるい(n) the fishes/(P)/
魚のうおのめ(n) corn on the foot/
魚をごとべるさかなをまるごとた べる(exp) to eat a fish whole/
ぎょにく(n) fish meat/(P)/
魚をさかなをとる(exp) to catch fish/
魚をげるさかなをあげる(exp) to fry fish/
ぎょたく(n) fish print/
ぎょらいはっしゃかん (n) torpedo tube/
うお(n) fish/(P)/
ぎょかいるい (n) marine products/seafood/fish and shellfish/
ぎょるいがく study of fish/ichthyology/
ぎょゆ(n) fish oil/
ぎょふん(n) fish meal/
レンズぎょがんレンズ(n) fisheye lens/
うおがし (n) riverside fish market/
魚梯ぎょてい(n) fish ladder/
さかなや(n) fish market/fish dealer/(P)/
ぎょとう(n) lights to lure fish/
あればうおごころあればみずごころmutual back-scratching/
ぎょらいてい (n) torpedo boat/
ぎょふく(n) fish entrails/
うおつり(n) fishing/
ぎょかいfishery products
ぎょかい(n) marine products/seafood/(P)/
ぎょもう(n) fishing net/
ぎょぐんたんちき (n) fishfinder/
ぎょばい(n) fish and shellfish/
魚鱗ぎょりん(n) fish scales/
さかなつり(n) fishing/
ぎょひ(n) fertilizer made from fish parts/
ぎょかいるい (n) marine products/seafood/fish and shellfish/
さかなやfishmonger, fish dealer