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Kanji: Radical: (とり) : チョウ; とり; bird
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5340 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3312
Japanese Reading English
とりさし(n) bird catcher/chicken sashimi/
鳥を掴まえるとりをつかまえる (exp) to catch a bird/
ちょうるいがく ornithology/
鳥之とりのすbirds nest/
とりうちぼう (n) (hunting) cap/
とっとりけん prefecture in the Chuugoku area/
とりおどし(n) scarecrow/
ちょうじゅうほごくいきwildlife protection area/(P)/
とりうち(n) fowling/shooting birds/
鳥黐とりもち(n) birdlime/
とりにくchicken meat
とりあみ(n) fowling net/
鳥 が棲むとりがすむもりwoods inhabited by birds/
とりごや (n) henhouse/aviary/
とや(n) chicken coop/henhouse/
ちょうじん(n) aviator/flying ace/birdman/
とりよせ(n) birdcall/birdcalling/
鳥籠とりかご(n) birdcage/
ちょっと(ateji) (adv,int) (uk) just a minute/a short time/a while/just a little/somewhat/easily/readily/rather/(P)/
ちょうじゅう(n) fowling gun/
とりい(n) torii (Shinto shrine archway)/(P)/
とりうち(n) fowling/shooting birds/
とりはだ(n) goose flesh/pimples/
とりおい(n) driving off birds/(historical) procession held at New Year's/
ちょうるい(n) birds/
ちょうそう(n) exposure of a corpse (to be eaten by birds)/
とりにく(n) chicken meat/
ちょうじゅう(n) birds and wild animals/wildlife/
とりめ(n) night-blindness/
鳥瞰ちょうかん(n,vs) bird's eye view/
ちょうばいか (n) ornithophilous flower (e.g., pollinated by birds)/
とりがい(n) a cockle/
鳥瞰 ちょうかんず(n) bird's-eye view/
とりや(n) bird dealer/poulterer/
とり(n) bird/fowl/poultry/(P)/