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Kanji: Radical: (はな) : ; はな; nose
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5421 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2706
Japanese Reading English
鼻腔びくう(n) the nasal cavity/
びよく(n) wings of the nose (i.e. nostril)/
はなかぜ(n) head cold/
はなじ(n) nosebleed/(P)/
びしつdiseases of the nose/
はなもとじあん(n) superficial view/ill-considered plan/
びえん(n) nasal inflammation/
びこんroot of the nose/
はないき(n) nasal breathing/person's pleasure/
はなみず(n) nasal mucus/dripping nose/
はなづな(n) halter/
じりではなうたまじりではたらくto work while humming a tune/
はなすじ(n) bridge of nose/
はなつき(n) meeting head on/
びそ(n) founder/originator/introducer/
はなたかだか (adj-na,n) proudly/triumphantly/
びしゅっけつ nosebleed/
はなかがみ(n) nasal speculum/
はな(n) nose/(P)/
はながわ(n) toe cover for clogs/
鼻をがれるはなをそがれる(exp) to have one's nose mutilated (cut off)/
はなさき(n) tip of nose/(P)/
はながみ(n) tissue paper/handkerchief paper/(P)/
びおん(n) nasal sound/nasal/(P)/
びか(n) under the nose/
鼻をわすはなをつきあわす (v5) to be closely crowded together/
はなづら(n) muzzle/snout/
はなつき(n) meeting head on/
鼻屎はなくそ(n) nasal discharge/
びきょう(n) nasal speculum/
はなめがね (n) pince-nez glasses/
びこつ(n) nasal bone/
はなわ(n) nose ring/
鼻梁 びりょう(n) bridge of the nose/
鼻拭きはなふき(n) handkerchief/
びこう(n) nostril/(P)/
はなもと(n) root of the nose/
鼻唄はなうた(oK) (n) humming/crooning/
鼻っはなっぱり(n) overconfidence/
はなつまみ(n) uncouth person/bore/
鼻熊はなぐま(n) coati/
はなお(n) sandal strap/geta strap/(P)/
はなうた(n) humming/
鼻茸 びじょう(n) nasal polyps/adenoids/
はなぎ(n) nose ring (for cattle)/
鼻茸はなたけ(n) nasal polyps/adenoids/